"Upon completing my undergraduate degree in Anthropology at Appalachian I worked as clinical support for Planned Parenthood of Greater NC before taking my first academic position at Wake Forest University School of Medicine in rural health. After a few years in Winston-Salem, I moved to Tennessee to pursue a Masters degree in Medical Anthropology at the University of Memphis. Following my MA training, I spent a few years in NYC and Philadelphia working on various public health related cancer grants at Columbia University and the University of Pennsylvania before moving to Los Angeles."
She currently works as a Community Health Research Coordinator for Childrens Hospital Los Angeles/University of Southern California. Together with a collaborative that spans all of LA County (largest county in the country), they have developed a Center for Community Translation, which will address issues surrounding cancer surveillance. The major aim of her current project is to assess which large scale LA County medical institutions are seeing/treating which disease site specific cancer population in order to highlight the gaps in care and service. The ultimate goal is to develop cross-institutional partnerships that allow for the development of programs and clinical trials which will address the needs of these special populations. As you can imagine, working in a multi-ethnic setting like Los Angeles offers a multitude of opportunities to learn about the diverse health beliefs and practices of the many Latino, Asian, African and Eastern European people who now, like her, call Southern California home.
She lives with her husband Alex, a Brazilian citizen who is an attending in tumor surgery at CHLA, their two kids (Ava Kate and Noah) and two delightful rescue mutts just outside of L.A.
Posted February 28, 2010 - 12:44pm