México 2019
Ethnographic Field School
June 9-July 20
Appalachian State University/Universidad de Quintana Roo (Chetumal)
9 credit hours
$3,000-3,500 (includes airfare, meals, tuition, housing, transportation, insurance) [price fluctuates depending on enrollment, 10 is the limit]
On the UQROO Summer Anthropology program, students will spend the first weeks in Chetumal taking intensive introductory Mayan. This course will meet 5 days a week for 5 hours per day. On the weekend students will have a program related excursion or free time. During the 3rd and 4th weeks students will begin their ethnographic methods course with classes M-F for 5 hours per day and a program related excursion or free time on the weekend. For the 5th and 6th weeks students will be engaging in fieldwork in the Mayan community of Xiatil. During this period students will also participate in a 3 day tour of Coba, Chichen Itzá, and Valladolid. All majors are welcome.
Fulfills the following requirements:
ANT 3940 Ethnographic Field School (required for Sociocultural and SPS majors) - 3 credit hours
ANT 3530 Mayan Language and Culture (elective) - 3 credit hours
ANT 3531 Ethnographic Fieldwork (elective) - 3 credit hours
Link for more information and how to apply: https://studyabroad.appstate.edu/index.cfm?FuseAction=Programs.ViewProgram&Program_ID=11507
For more information, contact Dr. Smith at smithtj2@appstate.edu